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Ketogenic Cheat Day

Ketogenic Cheat Day

Embarking on a Keto diet is certainly not easy. Psychologically, it means giving up on a lot of the foods that you used to eat,

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How Long to get into Ketosis

How Long to get into Ketosis

Ketosis is a state of metabolism in one’s body, where your body transitions from burning glucose or carbohydrates to burning fats or ketones in order to derive energy for bodily functions

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Is Cheese Ketogenic

Is Cheese Ketogenic

The question “is cheese ketogenic” is equivalent to asking whether the pope is Catholic. Cheese, being very low in carbs

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Chic-Fil-A Ketogenic

Chic-Fil-A Ketogenic

Chic-Fil -A is a popular fast food chain in the United States, specializing in Chicken, mainly chicken sandwiches. In the US and many other countries world wide the Keto diet is gaining many followers

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Keto Rash

Keto Rash

Keto rash is an almost symmetrical form of skin rash, that develops on the abdomen, chest, back, armpits and occasionally on the neck.

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Keto Chicken Salad

Keto Chicken Salad

Chicken salad is an easy to prepare, easy to store solution for a Keto diet. Indeed, it is an easy, go to meal for anyone on the diet, who does not really care for having to plan menus in advance etc.

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Ketosis Headache

Ketosis Headache

Most people have had experienced headaches. However, for people on a Keto diet, having a headache is just one of the signs of the physiological changes that are going through their bodies

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